Wednesday 24 February 2010

Face or Body?

There’s a saying that for women past 50 the choice in looking good is either face or body. Apparently it’s one or the other you can’t have both. Is this really the best option we have post 50? And is Madonna’s (over) worked out body and worked on face a desperate attempt to fly in the face of conventional wisdom? Call me shallow but I think when it comes to style and beauty women aren’t obliged to drift into middle age invisibility and the menopausal fashion tedium that is Per Uno. Most of us don’t have the time or budget that Madonna or want to go to such extremes has but nevertheless I believe it's possible to be still be a stylish woman that gets noticed. I talk to so many women that have lost their style confidence as they've got older, and find it a struggle to find stylish clothes that suit bodies that just aren’t the same as the young bodies they are designed for. So I've started this blog to explore all things fashion, style and beauty for women post 50 (but hey if you're in your 40s your very welcome too!)